
Jordan on organized trip

8 Days in Jordan: Organized Trip Across the Country

If you have little more than a week to make a circuit in Jordan, this organized trip 8 days may be your ideal option. At least if you don’t want to give up any major destinations along the way. In this program there is room for two very different seas, impenetrable deserts, rock-cut settlements, medieval fortresses and fast-paced cities. Take a look at this proposal and get ready to live an unforgettable experience in a country where time seems to have stopped.

Discover all of Jordan in a trip organized in detail

Although Jordan is a relatively small country, it has many tourist destinations to discover, and very different from each other. Therefore, it is useful to have a program that distributes time in an orderly manner and leaves nothing to chance. That’s precisely what you’ll get if you book this Jordan tour: an organized trip that travels throughout the country so as not to leave out any important destination. From north to south, from the coast to the desert, from the highest levels of its geography to the lowest point of the country… and the planet.

Petra is one of those destinations that every traveler should visit at least once in a lifetime. Wadi Rum has what an adventurer is looking for in the desert. The Red Sea in Aqaba is a dream place for beach and diving lovers. Amman is a capital full of contrasts. The Dead Sea has the magic of natural spaces that defy their own nature. Madaba and Mount Nebo are sacred sites for its faithful. Shobak and Ajloun transport us to the time of the Crusades. And Jerash reminds us that Jordan can also boast a rich Roman past.

On paper, they seem like too many tourist destinations to include in just 8 days of circuit through Jordan. But the organized trip For our agency optimizes the times with transfers, accommodations and guided tours so that everything fits perfectly into the program.

A travel proposal that also leaves you free time

Although this tour of Jordan is an organized trip In detail, there is no lack of free moments for everyone to add activities of their liking or relax at their own pace. That free time is set precisely where it is most convenient to do it. On the one hand, in Amman, as it is the capital and most dynamic city in the country, where there are numerous leisure and cultural proposals (gastronomy, crafts, etc.). And on the other hand, in Aqaba, since this destination of sun and beach invites you to relax on its coast without haste.

In any case, if you need help to organize your time in those moments of freedom, you can ask our staff for advice: we will be happy to suggest and help you with plans and activities complementary to those offered in this circuit by Jordan. Thus, the organized trip It will truly be a tailor-made trip.

Jordan tour of this organized, day-by-day trip

This circuit starts and ends in Amman, the capital of Jordan. The organized trip For our agency it lasts 8 days and 7 nights, with road trips and comfortable hotels in all destinations.

  • Day 1: Amman Airport
  • Day 2: Amman – Dead Sea – Amman
  • Day 3: Amman – Madaba – Mount Nebo – Shobak – Petra
  • Day 4: Petra
  • Day 5: Petra – Wadi Rum – Aqaba
  • Day 6: Aqaba – Amman
  • Day 7: Amman – Jerash – Ajloun – Amman
  • Day 8: Amman – Amman Airport

Day 1: Amman Airport

After landing at Queen Alia Amman Airport, our agency staff will meet you at the terminal to offer the assistance you need. And we will approach you to the vehicle in which we will transfer you to the hotel, in the city of Amman, to make the relevant check-in. If the arrival at the hotel occurs before 21.00, dinner will also be served there.

  • Reception and assistance at Queen Alia Amman Airport
  • Border formalities
  • Transfer by private chauffeured vehicle to the hotel in Amman
  • Dinner (if before 21.00) and overnight in hotel in Amman

Day 2: Amman - Dead Sea - Amman

On the second day, after having made contact with Jordan, this organized trip foresees the first excursion of the program: the Dead Sea. After breakfast, we will travel by road to this special lake, located about -400 meters above sea level, the lowest point on the planet.

During the morning you will have the opportunity to enjoy a swim in its waters that, as you will instantly discover, are not like those of other lakes and seas: they have an extremely high level of salt and other minerals, which causes the body to float effortlessly. In addition, its composition makes the Dead Sea a highly reputed spa destination, for its benefits against certain diseases and health problems, with anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, among others. You will discover all this in Amman Beach 2, a private beach to which this travel package will give you access.

After that, we will return to Amman and you will have the afternoon free, which will give you the possibility to take a first walk through the capital, go shopping or enjoy some leisure activities, among many other possibilities. In the evening, you will rest and dine in the same hotel.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Dead Sea Road Trip
    • Bath in Amman Beach 2
  • Return to Amman. Free afternoon
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Amman

Day 3: Amman - Madaba - Mount Nebo - Shobak - Petra

On this third day in Jordan, the organized trip becomes a real road trip

, since we left Amman to visit other parts of the country, although later we will return to this same city. So when breakfast is over at the hotel, the driver of our agency will pick us up to head south.

The first stop will be Madaba, a city where the proportion of Christians and churches is very high, largely because of its importance in the first centuries of this religion. And the visit we will make is closely related to it: we will enter the church of San Jorge to contemplate the map-mosaic of the Holy Land, Byzantine work of the sixth century. It shows what is considered the first cartographic representation of this territory so significant for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, although its beauty is so great that it can also be admired as a work of art.

The next stop is precisely one of the places suggested in that mosaic map: Mount Nebo. From here, Moses spotted the Promised Land, completing his journey from Egypt accompanied by his followers. However, he was denied access to this land, so he settled for ending his days here. The entire enclosure is a memorial to this episode, recorded in the Bible and the Torah, with a church, explanatory installations and commemorative sculptures. But above all, you can look out at its viewpoint, where any traveler will feel the same sensation that the prophet had when he saw the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley and Jerusalem, among other places in sight.

Back in our vehicle, a longer road trip awaits us until we reach the final goal of the day: Petra. On this tour we will stop outside the castle of Shobak, where we will not only admire this fortress of the twelfth century, but also learn its interesting history: built by the crusaders of Baldwin I of Jerusalem, reconquered by the armies of Saladin… and sentinel since then of the desert caravan route, which today is the King’s Road: the same one that will lead us to Wadi Musa, the town located next to Petra, where tonight’s hotel and dinner awaits us.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Road trip:
    • Madaba: visit of St. George’s Church and its Byzantine mosaic map of the Holy Land
    • Mount Nebo: visit to the sacred precinct, with viewpoint
    • Shobak: exterior visit to the castle
  • Arrival in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra)

Day 4: Petra

Petra is one of those destinations in Jordan that your trip organized It must include ‘yes or yes’. And in our case we do it on the fourth day of the circuit, with all the prominence it deserves: a full day visit to discover the most fascinating corners of this place declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

Therefore, after breakfast at the hotel, we will go to the Visitor Center to make use of our horse service, with which it will be much more comfortable and faster to make certain journeys during the day. In particular, the Siq: rocky and narrow canyon that takes travelers to the most famous monument, the Treasury (Al Khazneh), popularized by Indiana Jones in his Last Crusade but built much earlier (s. I BC) as the tomb of King Aretas III.

But the visit goes far beyond this emblematic place and the list of attractions is very long: the Street of the Façades, the Nabataean theater, the Royal Tombs, the Great Temple, the Colonnaded Street … and even the Al Deir Monastery, located on the outskirts of this rocky enclave and located at the top of a demanding climb of more than 800 steps. All these places and the others that we will know in the company of the guide will make us understand the importance of this city that the Nabataeans called Raqmu and that was the capital of their empire.

Everything lived will remain in the minds and hearts of the participants for a long time, and will surely monopolize the conversations during dinner at Wadi Musa’s hotel and, perhaps, the dreams of the night.

  • Breakfast of hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Full-day guided tour in Petra
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra)

Day 5: Wadi Rum - Aqaba

Many of those who come to Jordan on organized tours they do it for Petra. But many others do it for the desert of Wadi Rum, which is the highlight of this fifth day. On this day strong emotions await us, so breakfast at Wadi Musa’s hotel should serve to charge the energies to the maximum.

To Wadi Rum we will travel in our usual vehicle, but already in the heart of this nature reserve we will have to transfer to another: a 4×4 SUV with which we will cross tracks and remote areas of this desert of approximately 72,000 hectares. For two hours we will see impossible rock formations, mountains that inspired the British writer and military T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) and rocky canyons that house vegetation and petroglyphs with thousands of years of history.

In those two hours of route and in the time taken to enter and leave this nature reserve, it will be easy to understand why this space continues to captivate all its visitors and has received the distinction of World Heritage Site by Unesco.

However, the day does not end here, but in a much more refreshing place: the Red Sea, in Aqaba. To it we will travel by road and in the final stretch of the day you will have free time for a first contact with this modern city, with quality beaches and establishments oriented to holiday tourism. In one of them you will stay and, in addition, you will have dinner at night.

  • Breakfast of hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Road trip to Wadi Rum:
    • Wadi Rum Desert 4×4 Off-Road Trail (two hours)
  • Road trip to Aqaba
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Aqaba

Day 6: Aqaba - Amman

Aqaba is the southernmost city of Jordan. And an organized trip that you intend to travel the whole country can not forget it, because it brings together very interesting attractions and different from those of the rest of Jordan, as you can continue discovering after breakfast at the hotel.

The range of activities you can do here on your free morning is varied. For example, diving and snorkeling to discover the underwater surprises of the Red Sea (colorful fish, coral reefs, sunken wrecks, etc.). But you can also join a boat trip with a glass bottom, to contemplate that same biodiversity in a quieter way. If you decide to walk, the Fort and the Flag of the Arab Rebellion will be the main landmark of the walk. And if you want to take a new dip, this will also be a good time.

After the morning, you will travel back to Amman (check if it is possible to take a domestic flight, with tickets not included in the package). Upon arrival, you will have free time again in the capital, for the second time in this circuit. Dinner, on the other hand, is agreed with the hotel and will be offered in its lounges before the night’s rest.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Aqaba
  • Free morning in Aqaba
  • Return trip to Amman
  • Free time in Amman, depending on arrival time
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Amman

Day 7: Amman - Jerash - Ajloun - Amman

The north of Jordan is also a region that is worth knowing in a general circuit around the country. And that is what we will do precisely on this seventh day, because in addition its most interesting places are not far from the capital.

But before leaving the city (and after having breakfast at the hotel), we will make a small tour of the capital to discover its most representative spaces. On this tour you can not miss the Citadel, the Archaeological Museum and the Roman Theater. The latter is still used today for its original use, when Amman was not called that but Philadelphia, and was part of the Decapolis, a group of 10 cities on the eastern border of the Roman Empire.

Precisely of the Roman Empire we will speak, and a lot, in Jerash: called Gerasa by that civilization, its archaeological site is one of the most spectacular preserved in the Middle East. What remains standing are not mere remains, but authentic monuments, such as Hadrian’s Arch, the Temple of Zeus, the Oval Square (ancient forum) or its two theaters.

After a very ‘Roman’ morning, we will travel in space and time to the Middle Ages: in that period the castle of Ajloun, near Jerash, is framed. Specifically, in the twelfth century, when the armies of Saladin gained ground to the Christian crusaders of the kingdom of Jerusalem. What we will see in this fortress, on the other hand, dates back to the thirteenth century, when the Mamluks rebuilt the enclosure after the Mongol invaders destroyed it. In addition, as beautiful as the enclosure are the views of the Ajloun nature reserve, the greenest in the country.

With that landscape still in mind, we will return to the road to return to Amman: in the capital you will spend the last night, with dinner again at the hotel.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Amman Guided Tour: Citadel, Archaeological Museum, Roman Theatre
  • Road trip to:
    • Jerash: visit of the Roman city
    • Excursion to Ajloun: visit of the medieval castle
  • Return to Amman
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Amman

Day 8: Amman Airport

The eighth day is the last of the circuit and includes the necessary services to leave the country without setbacks. We will arrange a time after breakfast and check-out for hotel pick-up by our chauffeur, and with him go to Queen Alia Amman Airport to take the flight back home. After the last work of assistance in the terminal, we will say goodbye full of gratitude for choosing our agency to visit Jordan on an organized trip like this.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Transfer by private chauffeured vehicle to Amman Queen Alia Airport
  • Assistance, farewell and end of services

Services included in this circuit

As in the rest of the circuits in Jordan, this organized trip It includes a series of important services for the proper development of the program. They are as follows:

  • Assistance at Queen Alia Amman Airport on arrival (meeting) and return (farewell)
  • Transfer airport-hotel on the first day and hotel-airport on the last, both in private vehicle with driver
  • Private vehicle with driver throughout the circuit
  • Accompaniment by the staff of our agency, in Spanish language and throughout the circuit
  • Tickets to the monuments and museums included in the program
  • Guided visits to the monuments and museums included in the program
  • 4 nights hotel in Amman, half board
  • 2 hotel nights in Wadi Musa (Petra), half board
  • 1 night hotel in Aqaba, half board
  • Horse service in Petra
  • Two-hour 4×4 route in the desert of Wadi Rum

Services not included

Although it is a trip organized by Jordan Exclusive with the main services already contracted, some aspects are left out, at the discretion of each traveler:

  • International flights in and out of the country
  • Domestic flight between Aqaba and Amman, if this option is requested
  • Lunch
  • Beverages
  • Tips to circuit professionals (driver, guides, etc.)
  • Personal insurance
  • Other costs not specified in the program

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