
Jordan Climate

Best time to travel

Jordan Weather It is an important condition when organizing your trip: although you can hire your circuit at any time of the year, you should know the characteristics of each region depending on the season, especially in relation to temperatures. Therefore, we also tell you what is the best time to travel to Jordan and which one should you avoid if you do not tolerate the heat well.

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The different areas of Jordan from a bioclimatic point of view

From a bioclimatic point of view, the territory of Jordan can be divided into ‘ecoregions’, that is, areas that have common natural characteristics and that the traveler can easily distinguish during his circuit.

These ecoregions, to a large extent, owe their current appearance to Jordan’s climate.. Broadly speaking, they are:

  • Desert, which is the predominant bioclimatic landscape in the country. Actually, it can be subdivided into several types of desert:
    • Arabic, in the east and southeast, is the largest area of Jordan and also extends through Sinai (Egypt), Israel, Palestine, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen and a small portion in Iran.
    • Tropical desert and semi-desert, in the south, around Aqaba and the Jordan River Valley
    • Shrubby desert, to the northeast, which also extends through Syria and Iraq
  • Mediterranean forest, to the north, around the Ajloun area
  • Shrubby steppe, in the center-west
Landscape of Jordan

General notes on climate in Jordan

Beyond the different ecoregions, there is a predominant note throughout the country: temperatures are very high, probably above those of your country of origin, at practically all times of the year, especially during the day.

However, a striking feature of the climate in Jordan it is the enormous thermal oscillation between day and night, often 15 ºC apart or even more. That makes the feeling of cold at night greater, which can become important in winter, so you should not do without thermal or warm clothes in your suitcase.

On the other hand, rainfall is scarce or practically non-existent in large areas of the country throughout the year. One can only speak of wet season in the Mediterranean climate zone during the winter.

When is the best time to travel to Jordan?

Taking into account all the above, it is worth wondering what is the best time to travel to Jordan. In the tourism sector, in fact, there is talk of high, low and intermediate season, which does not necessarily correspond to the summer, winter, spring and autumn seasons. 

  • High season: from March to May. These are the months when the weather offers the ideal temperatures for travel: warm but not suffocating days and cool, but not cold, nights. In addition, the days are relatively long, which favors the organization of intense travel days. In the north, where the climate is Mediterranean, the landscape is covered with spring flowers, filling the atmosphere with color and aromas. Therefore, it can be considered the best time to travel to Jordan. The disadvantage is that it also represents the time when there is a greater flow of tourists, so it is more complicated to find accommodation and this is usually more expensive, like other services
  • Mid season: from September to February. The climate in the desert worsens, with truly cold nights. In mountainous areas and in the north, rain and even snow make an appearance on specific days, which limits the possibilities of camping. However, temperatures are still very pleasant in the Red Sea, so traveling to its beaches is a favorite option for many travelers when Mediterranean destinations are no longer so conducive to bathing. Therefore, in Aqaba and its surroundings, it can be considered high season in terms of demand and cost of services
  • Low season: from June to August. These are the warmest months of the year, and that means sweltering temperatures during the day. The activity does not stop, but those traveling at this time should be well prepared to combat the heat and strong sunshine, especially in the desert. And that has a prize: the cost of accommodation and other services drops significantly, so in economic terms, it is the best time to travel to Jordan. 

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