
Jordan as a whole

8-day circuit to discover all tourist destinations in the country

8 days are enough to discover Jordan in full. Of course, the country has enough attractions to organize a longer trip, but if you only have a little more than a week, this circuit is ideal for you: in it we optimize each day to the maximum so as not to leave out of the program a single one of the icons of Jordan. Do you dare to discover it?

What's included in the entire Jordan Tour

When a traveler thinks of Jordan, a series of destinations that unequivocally identify the country come to mind. And all of them are in this 8 days and 7 nights program. Of course, Petra: the ancient Nabataean city carved into the rock, popularized by Indiana Jones, is one of the highlights of this circuit. In addition, we add the Little Petra, another enclave of similar characteristics but that can be enjoyed with much greater calm and tranquility.

Further south, the desert of Wadi Rum, which rose to fame also for another film, Lawrence of Arabia, is another of the great attractions of the country and this circuit of Jordan as a whole: its capricious rock formations, its reddish dunes, its canyons full of petroglyphs and its starry sky will conquer the traveler and make him feel like another Bedouin.

At the other end of the country, Jordan keeps secrets worthy of being discovered by the most intrepid travelers. In particular, the amazing Roman city of Jerash, often called the ‘Pompeii of Jordan’ for its extraordinary level of conservation. The Ajloun Castle, from the Ayyubid period, completes an always interesting excursion to the north.

In this circuit we do not forget Mount Nebo and Madaba, which stand out as the main religious destinations of the route: their relationship with key episodes in the life of Moses make them sacred places for Judaism and Christianity, as we will know in

And of course, we could not forget the capital, Amman, which is not only the place of beginning and end of this circuit to discover Jordan as a whole, but it is also a city worth knowing for its museums, its lively pace of life and many other surprises that you can know.

Two seas very different from each other

The entire Jordan circuit it also includes the two seas of the country: the Red and the Dead. On the Red Sea, with its barely 26 km of coastline, is Aqaba, the only coastal city, where the traveler will know another Jordan different and equally attractive, thanks to its beaches and crystal clear waters, full of colorful fish and coral reefs. Here there are plenty of resorts, modern dining and exclusive services, such as boat trips, that our agency can provide you.

The other Jordanian sea is not actually a sea, but an endorheic lake. We are talking about the Dead Sea, famous throughout the world for two reasons. First of all, because it is the lowest place in the world: below -400 meters above sea level in many points. And secondly, for its extraordinary level of salinity, which makes the bather float and makes it a spa destination par excellence.

Detailed description of the circuit

The circuit we callJordan in full‘ lasts 8 days and 7 nights, with beginning and end in the capital, Amman, as here is the main international airport of the country. This is the day-by-day description of the proposal.

  • Day 1: Amman Airport
  • Day 2: Amman – Ajloun – Jerash – Amman
  • Day 3: Amman – Madaba – Mount Nebo – Petra
  • Day 4: Petra – Little Petra – Wadi Rum
  • Day 5: Wadi Rum – Aqaba
  • Day 6: Aqaba – Dead Sea
  • Day 7: Dead Sea
  • Day 8: Dead Sea – Amman Airport

Day 1: Queen Alia Amman International Airport - Amman

The first day is the ‘landing’ in the country: the flight will arrive at Amman International Airport and there, in the same terminal, the staff of our agency will be waiting for the welcome and transfer to the hotel, which is located in the center.

Depending on the arrival time of the plane, there could be some free time for a first contact with Jordan and its capital, where dinner will be free before returning to the hotel to rest for the night.

  • Arrival at Queen Alia Amman International Airport
  • Meeting with our staff
  • Transfer by private vehicle with driver
  • Free dinner
  • Hotel accommodation in Amman

Day 2: Amman - Ajloun - Jerash - Amman

On any circuit that intends to travel through Jordan in full, the north of the country should be part of the travel plan. And that is precisely what we do on this second day of the program, after having breakfast at the hotel in Amman.

The first stage of this day is Ajloun, specifically its castle, one of the best preserved in Jordan: built mainly at the time when the Ayyubid troops of Saladin reconquered ground from the Christian crusaders, dominators at that time of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. What can be visited today is a magnificent example of defensive military architecture. In addition, the landscape that can be seen from the fortress is spectacular, where the traveler can know the greenest Jordan, as the view goes into one of the most interesting nature reserves in the country.

After visiting Ajloun Castle, it’s your turn to Jerash, one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the Middle East. Its ancient forum in the form of an Oval Square, its Roman circus, its Arch of Hadrian, its theaters, its temples and its ornamental fountains give clear proof of the splendor that came to reach this city, called Gerasa in Antiquity and the ‘Pompeii of Jordan’ in recent times.

Both the visit to Jerash and that of Ajloun Castle are guided and in Spanish, which will help to discover all the secrets of both jewels of the Jordanian north. After that, we will return to Amman, where the same hotel of the previous night awaits for dinner and the well-deserved rest.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Excursion to Ajloun Castle
  • Excursion to Jerash
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Amman

Day 3: Amman - Madaba - Mount Nebo - Petra

The third day of the entire Jordan Tour it also starts with the corresponding breakfast at the hotel in Amman. It will be early, because the program is full of interesting visits, especially from a historical and religious point of view.

The first stop is the town of Madaba, which is home to some of the best Byzantine mosaics in the world. In particular, the so-called ‘mosaic map of the Holy Land’, the oldest that represents this sacred territory for Jews, Christians and Muslims, in which Jordan is inserted. It is located in the church of San Jorge, which we will visit with a guide.

The next stop is even more special for any traveler interested in religion: Mount Nebo, from where Moses overlooked the Promised Land. After being denied entry, he remained and died here. Therefore, the religious complex built today is a memorial of this prophet. From its panoramic viewpoints, the traveler can imagine what his eyes saw: among other things, Jerusalem on clear days.

In the afternoon, it’s time to move forward and travel kilometers in our comfortable vehicle to reach Wadi Musa, the town from which you access Petra. On this day, you will simply settle in the hotel, where dinner will also be served, with the intention of resting to visit this unique enclave the next day.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Road trip to:
    • Madaba: visit of historical mosaics
    • Mount Nebo: visit of the sacred precinct linked to Moses
  • Arrival in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra)

Day 4: Petra - Little Petra - Wadi Rum

No traveler can say that he knows Jordania in full if you don’t visit Petra, your most internationally famous destination. And that is precisely what is planned to do on the fourth day of this circuit around the country, after breakfast at the hotel in Wadi Musa.

We will dedicate the whole morning to discover the so-called ‘Pink City’, capital of the ancient Nabataean empire and very cinematic place thanks to its stellar appearance in
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
To reduce travel times, the tour is guided and includes the use of horses from the Visitor Center. Places such as the Siq or canyon, the Treasury or Al Khazneh, the Street of Facades or the Al Deir Monastery are some of the most significant points of the tour of this city carved into the rock.

In the afternoon, on the other hand, we will make a close and complementary excursion: Little Petra. This enclave, also excavated in the rock, could have been a caravanserai or nucleus of accommodation and service for Petra. For this reason and for its obvious similarity, it receives that evocative name. Although it enjoys corners of similar charm (canyon, temples, etc.), it receives fewer visitors than its ‘older sister’, so the visit will probably be more relaxed.

In the last stretch of the day, we will head to another of the great tourist attractions of Jordan: Wadi Musa. This desert, protected in the form of a nature reserve and declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco, will show us its secrets the next day, but already in this first contact it will announce its charms, such as its spectacular starry sky.

Tonight’s accommodation will be a traditional Bedouin and nomadic tent, which is a novel cultural experience, without sacrificing comfort to rest after a day as intense as the one lived.

  • Breakfast of hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Morning visit of Petra
  • Visit of Little Petra in the afternoon
  • Road trip to Wadi Rum
  • Dinner and overnight at Bedouin camp in Wadi Rum

Day 5: Wadi Rum - Aqaba

The beginning of the fifth day of the entire Jordan route It is different from the others: watching the sunrise in this desert is a magical experience, because the first rays of the sun dye the sky, the mountains and the dunes of a very special color. This is how we will live it in our Bedouin tent camp, where breakfast will be offered.

During the morning, we will visit the most spectacular places of the Wadi Rum desert, and to speed up the visit we will use 4×4 vehicles. Whimsical rock formations will pass through our eyes, like natural bridges suspended in the air, and we will stop to discover petroglyphs with thousands of years of history. After several hours in this protected reserve we will understand why it fascinated so much T.E. Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia, British writer and soldier who fought with local troops against the Turks in the Arab Rebellion of 1917.

After the visit by Wadi Rum, we will return to our vehicle to travel by road to Aqaba, a city as distinct as it is charming: it is the only truly maritime destination in Jordan, with a coastline that stretches 26 km along the Red Sea and offers many water activities. Therefore, the afternoon will be free so that the traveler can decide how to spend their time here: swimming on the beach, diving in crystal clear waters, boat trip, cultural visit to the historical sites, etc.

Whatever the choice, the hotel in Aqaba will be waiting for the night to offer a well-deserved rest to the traveler and serve dinner, included in the half board regime contracted in the package.

  • Sunrise and breakfast at Wadi Rum desert Bedouin camp
  • Visit of Wadi Rum by 4×4 vehicle
  • Road trip to Aqaba
  • Free afternoon
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Aqaba

Day 6: Aqaba - Dead Sea

The sixth day of this circuit that runs through Jordan in full It is a journey between the two ‘seas’ of the country. In the morning, the day begins with breakfast at the hotel in Aqaba and with the option to spend more free time in this city. In any case, at the agreed time, we will depart by road trip to the Dead Sea.

We will arrive at this unique destination with enough time for a first contact in a free way, which the traveler can dedicate to some of the thermal experiences in open water or spa. The Dead Sea receives this name because of its extreme salinity, which prevents the existence of life in its waters and promotes the buoyancy of those who enter them.

In addition, this sea (which is actually a large lake) is the lowest point on the planet, with a considerable negative altitude: around 400 meters below sea level. All this, together with the natural beauty of the environment, will make this first contact with the Dead Sea not disappoint anyone. In the evening, in addition, dinner will be served in the facilities of the pleasant resort where you will stay.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Aqaba
  • Optional: Free time in Aqaba
  • Road trip to the Dead Sea
  • Free time at the Dead Sea
  • Dinner and overnight at the Dead Sea resort

Day 7: Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is such a special and distinct place, it’s worth staying a full day here. And that is precisely what happens on the seventh day of this circuit, which is completely free, once breakfast has been taken at the resort.

From that moment, a wide range of options opens up to spend the morning and afternoon: spa experiences in the tourist complex, bathing in the waters of the Dead Sea, visit to the museums and places of interest of the surroundings, walking routes along the steep Jordanian shore of this great endorheic lake, etc.

Only then, after living this seaside experience on the Dead Sea, the traveler will feel that he has truly discovered Jordan in full, as the trip is coming to an end: this will be the last night of the circuit, with dinner included in the resort.

  • Breakfast at Dead Sea Resort
  • Free day
  • Dinner and overnight at the Dead Sea resort

Day 8: Dead Sea - Amman Airport

After breakfast at the Dead Sea resort, we will return to the road. In this case, we will pick you up at the agreed time to head directly to the Amman Queen Alia International Airport, from where the flight back home will take off. It will be a moment of gratitude for the trust received, wishing that this program has fulfilled the expectations of discovering Jordan in full in just over a week.

  • Breakfast at Dead Sea Resort
  • Pickup and drop-off at Queen Alia Amman International Airport
  • End of our services

Services included in the entire Jordan Tour

To discover Jordan in full, the following services are necessary, included in the package and with the highest quality standards:

  • Pickup and drop-off at Queen Alia Amman International Airport
  • Transfers with driver and private vehicle from/to the airport
  • Private vehicle with driver throughout the circuit
  • 2 hotel nights in Amman, one of them for breakfast only and the other, half board
  • 1 night hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra), half board
  • 1 night in comfortable Bedouin camp in Wadi Rum, half board
  • 1 night hotel in Aqaba, half board
  • 2 nights in a resort on the Dead Sea, half board
  • Tickets and guided visits to the monuments described in the program
  • Horse service in Petra
  • Guide in Spanish language from the second to the fourth day (both inclusive)
  • Accompaniment and assistance service in Spanish throughout the circuit by our transferors
  • Travel Insurance

Services not included

Some of the services that you can enjoy during this circuit are at your choice, so they are not included in the package. They are as follows:

  • International flights in and out of Jordan
  • Beverages
  • Lunch
  • Fees and cost of the visa that allows you to travel Jordan in full
  • Tips to professionals (driver, guides, restaurants, etc.)
  • Any other expenses or extras not specified in the program

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