What is Dead Sea Weather Therapy?

Without wishing to dump technical information here or function as a medical office, we consider it relevant to talk about climatotherapy in the Dead Sea, a trend in medical treatments that are based on the special environmental conditions that occur in this endorheic lake that separates Jordan and Israel, and to which we can take you within our circuits around the country.

Dead Sea: conditions that make it unique

As we have been telling extensively on this website, the Dead Sea is a unique place for two reasons, related to each other. The first, the fact that it is the Lowest Point on the Planet, at an altitude of about -410 meters, because it is a valley originated as a result of the movement of tectonic plates.

The second, the fact that its account is endorheic, that is, landlocked, which causes the mass of water contained here to be ‘encapsulated seawater‘. Water from the river basin of the Jordan River is added to it, but it is a scarce contribution and much of it evaporates, causing a delicate balance that leads to a very high content of salts and minerals.

Specifically, in water and sludge there is a high presence of magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium or bromine, each associated with specific health benefits, such as skin hydration, rejuvenation or elasticity.

Applications of the Dead Sea in Medical Treatments

With these basic conditions, there are many medical treatments that are applied in the Dead Sea, experimentally and as research. And the positive results in some of them have led to the promotion of the so-called Dead Sea Climate Therapy: that is, taking advantage of the unique environmental conditions of the place (negative altitude and high salt and mineral content of water and sludge) to apply them directly to medical treatments.

For now, a significant part of the research is focused on the treatment of skin diseases. One of them is psoriasis, a chronic disease that causes rashes of varying severity. Although the causes and symptoms are very varied and complex, it is generally accepted that cold climates worsen the prognosis of this disease, while moderate exposure to the sun can improve it.

This is where Dead Sea climate therapy comes into play: thanks to the altitude of -410 meters above sea level, theultraviolet radiation reaches here more filtered, so that burns are very rare, even in relatively long exposure times, except at midday. This means that patients with this disease can be exposed to this natural factor for longer.

This treatment for psoriasis is perhaps the one that has received the most attention and about which there is greater certainty, with studies published in scientific journals. But research is also carried out in many other fields, with more or less scientific evidence. In this sense, other skin pathologies that are often treated with Dead Sea climatotherapy can be listed, such as atopic dermatitis, vitiligo or lichen planus.

Other health problems treated at the Dead Sea

In addition to the skin conditions we have listed, other more general health problems are also addressed with Dead Sea climate therapy. For example, respiratory conditions such as asthma, but also patients with joint problems such as different types of arthritis.

For all these reasons, if you think that Dead Sea climate therapy can be beneficial for you in the face of a health problem, do not hesitate to contact a specialist doctor and consider the possibility of traveling here. And Jordan Exclusiva will help you find specialized centers used to exploiting the benefits of the waters, mud and atmosphere of the place.

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