Can you go canyoning in Jordan? Where?

Many are those who wonder if you can practice canyoning in Jordan, especially lovers of this activity and adventure in general. In this post we answer the question and tell you more details about this discipline (also called canyoning ) that finds in this country the perfect natural conditions for its development.

Yes, you can go canyoning in Jordan

As it could not be otherwise, yes, you can practice canyoning in Jordan. The orography of this country is ideal for enjoying this sport, which combines caving and climbing techniques: it consists of the descent down the ravines that has been generated by the erosive force of the course of a river, for which it is necessary to overcome the various natural obstacles that appear along the way.

And ravines of this type are indeed numerous in Jordan, especially in the center and south of the country. Despite the fact that from the road the appearance is extremely arid, when you leave the asphalt it is possible to find this type of natural corners, sometimes without a channel but in other cases with permanent watercourses, which flow towards their mouth.

However, it must be remembered that canyoning is a discipline that entails a great risk, as there are sometimes great slopes during the crossing, very strong watercourses and other dangerous situations. Therefore, it is essential to carry out this activity with an expert, professional and knowledgeable instructor. And of course, with the right equipment for the route in question, such as harnesses, ropes, helmet and other elements of progress and protection.

Where to go canyoning in Jordan

Of course, there are better and worse areas for canyoning in Jordan. But without a doubt, the ideal area for this is in the center of the country, around the so-called Carretera del Rey. And more specifically, between Madaba and Wadi Musa (Petra).

Here are located several nature reserves that have as their main attraction their ravines, in many cases with permanent watercourses that flow into the Dead Sea or natural pools. Here is a list of places you can write down to add to your travel program, if you want to practice canyoning in Jordan:

  • Wadi Mujib Nature Reserve, between Madaba and the Dead Sea. Perhaps the most spectacular canyons are located here, such as the Hidan Gorges and Wadi Zarqa Ma’in
  • In the vicinity of Karak, with gorges such as Wadi Ibn Hammad and Wadi Labun. The variety of routes is remarkable, but their degree of difficulty is very diverse
  • Dana and Feynan Reserve, with the Wadi Ghweir path through a canyon. For many it reminds of the famous Siq of Petra, which is located just 50 km from here, which encourages many tourists to come to this place to enjoy the experience

Who to trust to practice this activity

As we said above, you can practice canyoning in Jordan in the company of professional guides and monitors, with their proper accreditation. Doing it on your own entails risks that we do not recommend, as this sport is still incipient in the country and, therefore, the signage and logistics in case of an incident is not the most prominent.
Our agency, specialized in organizing tailor-made trips, can prepare this activity during your circuit. In addition, some accommodations specializing in adventure tourism can help you. And it is important to mention the reference institution for everything that has to do with nature: the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, which has different visitor centres in the different official reserves, in this case in Wadi Mujib and Dana.

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