with Dead Sea at your own pace

8 days tour of Jordan, with the Dead Sea at your own pace and all the important destinations

If one of the destinations that attracts you most to Jordan is the Dead Sea, this 8-day circuit may be made for you: unlike other proposals of our agency, this program allows you to spend the night in this unique spa destination, with a free afternoon for you to dedicate to what you prefer: a spa treatment, a wellness session in the hotel or in the area … And of course, we do not forget the great monumental and natural attractions of the country, such as Petra, Wadi Rum or Jerash.

A tour of Jordan with the Dead Sea making the difference

All the trips organized by our agency have something that differentiates them from others. And in this Jordan circuit, the Dead Sea It is the element that decants the balance. Specifically, it opts for the side of well-being: of the 8 days of duration, it dedicates one to this spa destination and allows the traveler to enjoy it at their own pace and to their liking. The package includes the entrance for an outdoor swim on one of its beaches, but also leaves an afternoon free for everyone to spend their time as they prefer. For example, booking a wellness treatment in the hotel facilities or in any other wellness center, as all the establishments in the area are experts in exploiting the benefits of the high salinity level of the waters of this great lake.

Undoubtedly, they are two complementary options that will allow you to discover why it is a destination so well known since ancient times, when this body of water was baptized with this name: in its waters there is no possibility of marine life, but it does make possible the magic of buoyancy, since bathers can stay on the surface effortlessly. To this we must add another ‘record’ fact: it is the lowest point on the planet, with an altitude of -400 meters above sea level. All these are sufficient reasons for this circuit through Jordan the Dead Sea is a prominent protagonist.

The essential destinations, also in this circuit

Although in this circuit through Jordan the Dead Sea Act as a claim, there are other destinations in the country that cannot be left out of the program. And not only do we include them, but we give them the importance they deserve, with enough time to visit them in a guided way. This is the case of Petra, to which we dedicate a whole day. Or Wadi Rum, a desert where we will live the adventure of touring its tracks in 4×4. Or the holiest places for Jews and Christians, such as Mount Nebo.

In addition, the capital occupies a prominent place, with free time to discover it at the desired pace, but also with a guided tour that will show you its main monuments. And there is no shortage of excursions, such as Little Petra or Jerash, which complete a program of the most enriching at a cultural level.

Jordan Tour Itinerary: Dead Sea and More in 8 Days

Starting in Amman and ending in the same city, this circuit of 8 days and 7 nights will take you through the most emblematic places of Jordan: from the Dead Sea to Wadi Rum, passing through Petra, Madaba, Jerash… and much more. Take note of the detailed route.

  • Day 1: Amman Airport
  • Day 2: Amman – Dead Sea
  • Day 3: Dead Sea – Madaba – Mount Nebo – Shobak – Petra
  • Day 4: Petra
  • Day 5: Petra – Little Petra – Wadi Rum
  • Day 6: Wadi Rum – Amman
  • Day 7: Amman – Jerash – Ajloun – Amman
  • Day 8: Amman – Amman Airport

Day 1: Amman Airport

From the moment you set foot in Jordan, our agency will be there to provide assistance: as soon as you arrive at the Amman Queen Alia International Airport, our staff will receive you and help you carry out the border procedures, which all tourists must complete.

And at the exit of the terminal, a driver from our agency will take you by private vehicle to the hotel in Amman, located in the center. Depending on the arrival time of the flight, dinner will be served at their facilities (until 21.00) or simply check-in will be made to accommodate in the room.

  • Pickup and assistance from Queen Alia Amman International Airport
  • Border formalities
  • Transfer by private vehicle with driver to the hotel in Amman
  • Dinner (until 21.00) and overnight at hotel in Amman

Day 2: Amman - Dead Sea

After breakfast at the hotel, our driver and / or companion in Spanish will pick you up to head to the first great experience of this circuit through Jordan: the Dead Sea and its extremely saline waters.

The distance to travel is not long (about 50 km), but the journey is also an experience in itself: before reaching the Dead Sea, the road descends vertiginously, as we will be approaching the lowest point on the planet (-400 meters above sea level approximately). Upon arrival, an unforgettable swim will be waiting for you on the beach of Amman Beach 2, whose tickets are included in the travel package.

The afternoon, after the bath, will be free, so you can repeat the experience or enjoy another wellness or leisure activity in the hotel-resort or in another establishment in the area. Wellness spaces are abundant here, with spas and thermal treatments that use the waters of the Dead Sea itself for their treatments and sessions. On the other hand, those who prefer to add a little culture can visit places like the Dead Sea Museum or visit places with history such as the fortress of Machaerus.

Whatever the plan, it can be enjoyed calmly, because tonight’s accommodation is a hotel-resort on the shores of the Dead Sea, where dinner is also included.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Road trip to the Dead Sea
    • Bath in Amman Beach 2
    • Free afternoon
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel-resort on the Dead Sea

Day 3: Dead Sea - Madaba - Mount Nebo - Shobak - Petra

The morning of the third day will begin with a good breakfast at the hotel-resort of the Dead Sea, as the day will be long and will take us 200 km south, with several visits of great interest along the way.

The first of these will be Mount Nebo, a space full of symbolism for Jews and Christians: from the top of this mountain, Moses contemplated the Promised Land. He was denied access, so he remained here until his death. An enclosure with a memorial church makes us remember that episode, although perhaps the most exciting are the panoramic views from the viewpoint, which will allow us to see what the eyes of the prophet saw. Byzantine mosaics and exhibition structures give context to the place, which will be of great interest even to the least religious travelers.

The next stop will be Madaba, a city where religious tolerance has always been the predominant note. This allowed the emergence of churches, especially in Byzantine times, and their subsequent conservation, with authentic jewels of religious art. In particular, the map-mosaic that we will contemplate in the church of San Jorge, where the Holy Land is shown: it is considered the oldest representation of this territory, back in the sixth century.

After that, our journey will gain speed and mileage, crossing roads that were formerly part of caravan routes in the direction of Arabia and Egypt. And in it, we will stop to know from the outside a fundamental milestone in the twelfth century: the castle of Shobak, built in the turbulent era of the Crusades: the troops of King Baldwin I of Jerusalem erected it, but lost their control decades later at the hands of the armies of Saladin.

With the echoes of those stories in mind, where religion, war and architecture are mixed, we will reach the goal proposed for this day: Petra. Specifically, to the hotel located in the neighboring Wadi Musa, where dinner is also planned before the well-deserved rest of the night.

  • Breakfast at a hotel-resort on the Dead Sea
  • Road trip by:
    • Mount Nebo: visit of the enclosure and the viewpoint
    • Madaba: visit of the church of St. George, with its Byzantine mosaic map
    • Shobak Castle: exterior visit
  • Arrival in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Dinner and overnight in Wadi Musa (Petra)

Day 4: Petra

even what your decision for this circuit in Jordan decants is the Dead Sea, there is no doubt that you will look forward to the visit scheduled on this fourth day: Petra, an enclave full of history and beauty, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. So after breakfast at the hotel, we will go to the Visitor Center to start a full day of intensive tourism around the site.

As soon as we enter, we will move on horses, included in this travel package, in order to speed up the displacements in Petra. In this way, traveling the 2 km that separate the Siq (canyon) from the Treasury will be much easier. This monumental structure, whose façade is known throughout the world, was built to house the tomb of King Aretas III in the first century BC, and today is also a turning point for the visit.

Behind it begins the Street of the Façades, which also leads to the Nabataean Theater and the archaeological site of the city itself, which the Romans called Petra, the locals knew as Raqmu and today receives the nickname of Pink City. The Columned Street is its most symbolic space and the point from which the return begins for many visitors. However, in our case, if the forces allow it, we can continue to the Al Deir monastery, a construction topped by the Byzantines in the image and likeness of the Treasury, but with an atmosphere of greater tranquility.

Visited all these spaces, and in the afternoon, we will conclude the tour, which is guided and will teach you numerous details about the constructive forms, the Nabataean religiosity, its economy based on trade, the use that the Bedouins made of this enclave … and much more. Undoubtedly, a very intense day that will have as a perfect epilogue dinner and rest at Wadi Musa’s hotel.

  • Breakfast of hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Full day tour of Petra
  • Dinner and overnight in Wadi Musa (Petra)

Day 5: Petra - Little Petra - Wadi Rum

After everything learned and lived the day before in Petra, the excursion that we will make during the morning will be the perfect complement to it: after breakfast at the hotel, we will visit Little Petra, located just a few kilometers away, next to the town of Al Beida.

As its name suggests, it is an enclave very similar to Petra, excavated in rocky canyons. Although its size was smaller, its importance was very large, as it is believed that it served the Nabataean capital in some way: as an agricultural nucleus, logistic space or caravanserais, etc. With more calm and tranquility than in Petra, we will know the well-preserved remains of this place, among which there are temples, houses and other constructions that seem to defy the laws of gravity.

After the visit of Little Petra, our driver will take you to the desert of Wadi Rum, a nature reserve declared World Heritage by Unesco. Reasons are not lacking for that distinction, as you will see as soon as you arrive: rocky mountains with unlikely silhouettes, capricious geological formations, reddish sand dunes, canyons that hide vegetation and petroglyphs …

To discover all this, we will change vehicles and take a 4×4 SUV, capable of entering the most remote places of this desert. It is not surprising, therefore, that he captivated T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), as he wrote in
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
, a book that incidentally gives its name to one of those unique mountains.

At the conclusion of the two-hour 4×4 route, we will go to tonight’s accommodation, which can not be more genuine and traditional: a camp of canvas tents in the Bedouin style but with all the comforts demanded by a current traveler. Among them, dinner with local dishes. And before sleeping in the tent, a final suggestion: raise your head and carefully contemplate the sky full of bright stars, because it is a difficult sight to see in other parts of the world.

  • Breakfast of hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Little Petra Tour
  • Road trip to Wadi Rum
    • Two-hour 4×4 route in the desert of Wadi Rum
  • Dinner and overnight at Bedouin camp in Wadi Rum

Day 6: Wadi Rum - Amman

The sixth day begins with a vision as magical as the last of the previous day: a spectacle that has the sky and the surrounding environment as protagonists, since the lights of dawn dye everything with a supernatural light. Staying in a Bedouin tent makes it easier to contemplate from early in the morning, and in this special atmosphere you will have breakfast at the camp.

Afterwards, we will return to our usual vehicle to return to Amman. We will arrive not too late, with the aim of leaving enough free time to explore the city autonomously, because there is no better city than the Jordanian capital to discover the local culture: from gastronomy to traditional crafts, through cultural museums, leisure shows and much more.

At the end of the day, the hotel where you will spend the night will also offer you dinner in its facilities.

  • Sunrise and breakfast at Bedouin camp in Wadi Rum
  • Road trip to Amman
  • Free time in Amman
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Amman

Day 7: Amman - Jerash - Ajloun - Amman

If you thought that, by the seventh day, you would have seen everything important on this circuit in Jordan (Dead Sea), Petra, Wadi Rum…),. You were very wrong: on this penultimate day there is still much to visit, with some of the most beautiful places in the country on the program.

After breakfast at the hotel in Amman, we will start a tour of the most historic part of the city, in particular the Citadel, the Archaeological Museum and the Roman Theater, authentic tourist icon of the capital. It will be a brief but necessary visit, and a differentiating element with respect to other circuits of our agency, which do not stop so long in Amman.

After this tour, we will go by road to the north, a region very rich from the environmental and heritage point of view. This is what we will see on the first visit: Jerash, called Gerasa in Antiquity. It is a Roman city preserved extraordinarily well, and that has earned it the nickname of ‘the Pompeii of the East’. The archaeological park maintains monumental buildings of the most spectacular, such as the columned Oval Square (ancient forum) and the Arch of Hadrian, in honor of the ‘traveling emperor’ who visited this city in the second century AD. A circus or hippodrome, two theaters and numerous temples complete the enclosure.

While we assimilate so much history and beauty, we will leave for the last place to visit on this day: Ajloun Castle. In addition to its imposing appearance, which dates back mainly to the thirteenth century, it is a good place to know another episode of the Jordanian Middle Ages: the fortification of the territory after defeating the crusaders of the kingdom of Jerusalem, and also the defense and expulsion of the Mongols in Mamluk times, responsible for rebuilding the fortress. In addition, the surrounding environment draws attention for its greenery, typical of the Ajloun nature reserve, with a Mediterranean bioclimate.

After the visit to Ajloun Castle, the cultural visits of this circuit also conclude, so we will return to Amman for dinner at the hotel and the last night in the country.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Guided tour of Amman
  • Road trip to:
    • Jerash: visit of the Roman archaeological site
    • Ajloun: visit of the castle
  • Return to Amman
  • Dinner and overnight at hotel in Amman

Day 8: Amman - Amman Airport

The eighth day is the end of the great route of this circuit through Jordan: from the Dead Sea to the north of the country, passing through numerous places of interest. After breakfast at the hotel, our driver will pick you up at the agreed time to arrive in time at the Amman Queen Alia International Airport. There we will provide you with the last assistance and we will end our services, although we hope that only for this once: we will wish that the farewell is only a “until next time” to visit other interesting places in the country.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Amman
  • Pickup and drop-off by private vehicle to Queen Alia Amman International Airport
  • Airport assistance
  • End of services

Services included in this circuit

To fully enjoy all the destinations of this circuit in Jordan, such as the Dead Sea, Petra or Wadi Rum, it will be necessary to make use of the following services, included in the travel package:

  • Pick up and drop off at Amman airport (arrival and departure from the country), with assistance in everything you need
  • Transfer with private vehicle from/to the airport
  • Chauffeur and/or accompanying guide in Spanish throughout the circuit
  • Tickets and guided tours in the monuments described in the program
  • 3 nights hotel in Amman, half board
  • 1 night hotel-resort in the Dead Sea, half board
  • 2 hotel nights in Wadi Musa (Petra), half board
  • 1 night in Bedouin camp in Wadi Rum, half board
  • Horse services in Petra
  • 4×4 tour of Wadi Rum (two hours)

Services not included

The following services are not included in the package, so travellers will be free to decide on them:

  • International flights in and out of the country, to/from Queen Alia Amman International Airport
  • Beverages
  • Midday lunches
  • Tips to circuit professionals (porters, driver, etc.)
  • All extra expenses not indicated in the program
  • Personal insurance

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